Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Braxton Hicks Contractions...

Last time during my pregnancy I always feel like there's contractions but I do not know whether it is actual contractions or not. But after I experience the true labor pain, I can say that I can differentiate it... The non labor contractions also known as Braxton Hicks Contractions is what most pregnant women experience...

True Labor vs. Braxton Hicks

Braxtons Hicks

  1. Contractions don't get closer together
  2. Contractions don't get stronger
  3. Contractions tend to be felt only in the front
  4. Contractions don't last longer
  5. Walking has no effect on the contractions
  6. Cervix doesn't change with contractions
True Labor

  1. Contractions do get closer together
  2. Contractions do get stronger
  3. Contractions tend to be felt all over
  4. Contractions do last longer
  5. Walking makes the contractions stronger
  6. Cervix open and thins with contractions
info from: pregnancy.about.com

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ways to reduce simptoms of morning sickness...

I found this really useful article at morningsicknesshelp.com on how to reduce morning sickness. These are some steps of how it work:-

  • Taking prenatal vitamins
  • Avoid warm places (heat can increase nausea feelings)
  • Get enough sleep at night
  • Eat plain crackers or cereal before you get out of bed in the morning
  • Avoid greasy or spicy food as they often cause nausea or heartburn
  • Have frequent protein snacks
  • Eat smaller meals every two hours
  • Don't drink fluid with your meals
  • Do not skip meals
  • Avoid spicy and fried food

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ten benefits of reading to your baby...

I enjoy reading to my baby. I believe many of us have the same view. Everyday, I must at least read 2 to 3 pages of book to my lil Hannah. Sometimes she will respond to me while I was reading. That really amuse me...

Ten benefits of reading aloud to your baby...

  1. Increase number of vocabulary words babies hear
  2. Develop attention and memory
  3. Promote listening skills
  4. Babies learn to understand the meaning of words
  5. Babies learn uncommon words
  6. Babies learn to get info from pictures
  7. Babies learn concept about print
  8. Stimulate senses and imagination
  9. Bonding and calmness to baby and parent
  10. Promote love of books and learning to baby

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