Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Braxton Hicks Contractions...

Last time during my pregnancy I always feel like there's contractions but I do not know whether it is actual contractions or not. But after I experience the true labor pain, I can say that I can differentiate it... The non labor contractions also known as Braxton Hicks Contractions is what most pregnant women experience...

True Labor vs. Braxton Hicks

Braxtons Hicks

  1. Contractions don't get closer together
  2. Contractions don't get stronger
  3. Contractions tend to be felt only in the front
  4. Contractions don't last longer
  5. Walking has no effect on the contractions
  6. Cervix doesn't change with contractions
True Labor

  1. Contractions do get closer together
  2. Contractions do get stronger
  3. Contractions tend to be felt all over
  4. Contractions do last longer
  5. Walking makes the contractions stronger
  6. Cervix open and thins with contractions
info from: pregnancy.about.com

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